Parameter schema reference#

The basics of parameters and schemas are discussed in Parameters and schemas. In this section, we document the more obscure details of IO parameter definitions (aka schemas). Refer also to comments in the source code for more information.

Basic schema attributes#

dtype: data types#

The dtype attribute of the schema determines the data type of the parameter. This generally follows the Python typing module syntax. Basic types such as str, int, float, bool, as well as compound types such as List, Tuple, Dict, Union and Optional are recognized. In addition, Stimela defines the File, Directory, MS and URI types. The latter two refer to Measurement Sets and uniform record identifiers (for Dask-ms based tools that support both traditional MSs and, e.g., S3-backed storage.)

The default dtype is a str.

Some more terminology is in order. The term cargo refers to the underlying tool for which the interface is being defined. The cargo can be a sub-recipe, or a cab wrapping an underlying piece of software:

  • File-type inputs and outputs refer to files, directories, Measurement Sets, URIs. All of these are associated with some kind of persistent stored object.

  • All other inputs/outputs are called value-type (e.g. str, int, and the like.)

  • Named outputs are file-type outputs for which the underlying software package offers control over how the file is named (think of a command-line tool with an -o output_filename option.) In a way, a named output is sort of an input as well, in the sense that the output filename must be supplied to the cab.

  • Implicit outputs are file-type outputs named by the underlying package automatically. This can be a fixed, predefined output filename, or a filename derived from a string-valued input parameter (think of how WSClean names all its output files based on the -name parameter as a filename prefix.)

default and required#

The default attribute can be used to provide a default value for an input (or a named output.) If a default is not supplied, the parameter is treated as optional, unless marked with a required: true attribute.

For outputs, required has a slightly different meaning. Stimela will normally check that the cab has produced the expected file-type outputs, and flag up an error if it hasn’t. However, required: false may be used to mark optional outputs, which do not necessarily need to exist at the end of the run.

Note that Stimela also recognized an alternative way to specify default values via a separate defaults section:

        dtype: str
        dtype: int
        default: 0
    foo: "foodef"

Shorthand schemas#

The above attributes, as well as the optional info field (basically, just a help string), can also be specified using the shorthand schema syntax:

        dtype: str
        default: "foodef"
        required: true
        info: "this is foo"
        dtype: List[File]

is equivalent to:

    foo: str = "foodef" * "this is foo"    # '*' indicates required: true
    bar: List[File]                        # dtype only -- default and info are optional

If any additional schema attributes need to be specified, you must use the normal longhand (structured) syntax.

Hierarchical schemas#

Schemas (both shorthand and structured) can be arranged inside nested mappings, for example:

        x: str = "foodef" * "this is foo"    # '*' indicates required: true
            dtype: int
    bar: List[File]

defines inputs called foo.x, foo.y, and bar. Stimela can usually infer whether a nested mapping is a subgroup of schemas or a single schema (just please don’t go naming an input something confusing like dtype, as that could break this logic.)

Implicit parameters#

Implicit parameters (indicated by providing an implicit: value attribute) are not exposed as part of the external interface, but are nonetheless passed to the cargo.

Implicit inputs have a value set by the schema (though this is not necessarily fixed, as it is subject to Substitutions and formulas). A simple example is given here, where the mode parameter of the CASA flagdata task is fixed for this particular cab.

Implicit outputs typically arise when the cargo has a file-type output named automatically (usually based on an input parameter – this is where substitutions are particularly useful.) WSClean provides a typical example.

Other schema attributes#


The choices attribute makes the input a choice-type parameter, i.e., only specific listed values are allowed.

The element_choices attribute has a similar effect for parameters of type List[X], but restricts the choices for the elements of the list.


The aliases attribute describes the aliases of a recipe-level parameter. See Aliased inputs/outputs for an extended discussion of this.

The nom_de_guerre attribute relates to a totally different kind of aliasing. If, for some reason, you want to name the parameter differently from the actual command-line option (or function argument) of the underlying cargo, you can use nom_de_guerre to specify the “internal” underlying name. For example, many of the cult-cargo CASA-based cabs use something like this:

ms:                      # the parameter of the cab is called 'ms'
    dtype: MS
    nom_de_guerre: vis   # the parameter of the underlying CASA task is called 'vis'

Obviously, this feature ought to be used sparingly, and then only with very good reason. Users making the transition to Stimela may remember the command-line interface (CLI) of their favourite packages by heart – keeping parameter names consistent is helpful, while the gratuitous renaming of parameters can be actively irritating. (In the example above, this is outweighed by the cult-cargo convention of using ms for the input Measurement Set across all tools. Whether this is a good enough reason remains to be seen.)

Informational attributes#

The following attributes are defined for informational purposes only:

  • tags may be set to an arbitrary list of tags. The intended purpose of this is to logically group related parameters together. At present, Stimela doesn’t use this information.

  • metadata: can be used to add an arbitrary mapping of user-defined metadata. At present, Stimela doesn’t use any of this information.

  • category defines the category of the parameter, and can be set to one of Required, Optional, Implicit, Obscure or Hidden. This determines at which level of detail stimela doc documents the parameter (see stimela doc --help).

    Stimela will normally categorize a parameter automatically – the first three categories are directly derived from the schema, while the “obscure” and “hidden” categories arise when automatic step aliases are created. This attribute can be used to override the automatic classification.