Substitutions and formulas#

Substitutions and formula evaluation are a key feature of stimela, which allow the inputs and outputs of steps and recipes to be linked with minimum fuss. Here’s an idealized example showing off both features:

    info: "a notional recipe for calibration & imaging"
            dtype: MS
            required: true
            info: "measurement set to use"
            dtype: str
            required: true
            info: "base name for output images"
            dtype: int
            default: 4096
            info: "image size, in pixels"
            info: "make initial image and model from DATA column"
            cab: imager-tool
                mode: image
                size: =recipe.image-size * 2
                column: DATA
                output.image: '{recipe.image-name}.image-{info.suffix}-{current.size:05d}.fits'
                output.model: '{recipe.image-name}.model-{info.suffix}.fits'
            info: "predict model into MODEL_DATA"
            cab: imager-tool
                mode: predict
                model: =previous.output.model
                column: MODEL_DATA
            info: "calibrate model against data"
            cab: calibration-tool
                model.column: =steps.predict.column
                output.column: CORRECTED_DATA
            info: "make image from calibrated data column"
            cab: imager-tool
                mode: image
                column: =steps.calibrate.output.column
                output.image: '{recipe.image-name}.image-{info.suffix}.fits'
                output.model: '{recipe.image-name}.model-{info.suffix}.fits'

This illustrates the two key concepts:

  • Parameter strings are subject to {}-substitutions in the style of Python’s str.format() method (see The curly brackets contain a namespace lookup such as (see below for details), and an optional format code (e.g. :05d).

  • Parameter strings that start with = are evaluated as formulas, which can employ namespace lookups, standard Python operators, and a number of predefined functions (see below).

Let’s examine what’s going on here in a bit more detail. We emphasize that this recipe is just an idealized example, referring to some notional “imager” and “calibration” tools.

Firstly, our recipe has three inputs: a measurement set, a base filename for output images, and an image size. Let us now assume we run it as:

stimela run calibration-recipe.yml image-name=imfoo image-size=1024

Here is what happens next:

  • All the steps refer to the recipe’s MS input via the construct, which is the simplest kind of formula meaning “the value of the ms variable of the recipe namespace”.

  • The first step makes an image and a model from the MS. The size of the image will be 2048 pixels (=recipe.image-size * 2). The output filenames, formed up via {}-substitutions, will be imfoo.image-1-02048.fits and imfoo.model-1.fits. Note how this is based on the recipe’s image-name parameter, the image size (current.size refers to the size parameter of the current step), and the “1” suffix in the step’s name (“image-1”), which is given by the info.suffix substitution (see below).

  • The second step predicts the model into the MODEL_DATA column of the MS. Note how previous.output.model refers to the output.model parameter of the previous step.

  • The third step runs calibration. Note how =steps.predict.column refers to the column parameter of the predict step.

  • The fourth step runs another round of imaging.

The value of the substition and formula mechanism here is obvious – based on just three recipe inputs, a whole slew of intermediate parameters and data products are named consistently, and connected between the steps with minimum effort.

Namespace lookup#

The invocation of above is an example of a namespace lookup. The namespace is recipe, and ms is the value being looked up. Namespace lookups can be nested (as in steps.predict.column above). Lookups can also refer to list elements using [n], and can also include wildcards (see below). Depending on the substitution context, a number of standard namespaces are available.

In the context of a step’s parameter evaluation, the following namespaces are recognized:

  • recipe refers to parameters (and variables, see recipe_variables) of the containing recipe.

  • root refers to parameters and variables of the top-level recipe. Within the top-level recipe, this is the same as recipe, but if a step contains a sub-recipe, this will be distinct inside the sub-recipe.

  • current refers to parameters of the current step.

  • previous refers to parameters of the previous step.

  • refers to parameters of a (necessarily preceding) step named name. A particularly useful twist on this is given by wildcard matching. For example, steps.image-*.output.model will match the alphanumerically highest preceding step matching image-*.

  • info contains some information on the name of the current step, in particular:

    • info.label is the step label (e.g. “image-1”, “calibrate” above);

    • info.label_parts is a list of the components of the step label, split at the dash character. For the two steps above, this would be [“image”, “1”] and [“calibrate”];

    • info.suffix is the last component of the label, or an empty string if the label has a single component. For the two steps above this would be “1”, and an empty string.

    • info.fqname is the fully-qualified name of the step, e.g. calibration-recipe.image-1.

    • info.taskname is similar to fqname, but if the recipe is a for-loop, it will include a loop counter, i.e. top-recipe.0.sub-recipe.1.step. Note

    that this works to any level of nesting.

    The info namespace is particularly useful for forming up filenames.

  • config refers to the top-level configuration namespace, which effectively contains everything known to stimela. For example, config.opts are options, config.cabs are cab definitions, etc.

Formula evaluation#

As we saw above, a parameter value starting with = invokes the formula parser (if you need to set a parameter to the literal value “=”, use ==.) The formula parser recognizes the following elements:

  • namespace lookups, such as recipe.image-size in the example above;

  • standard Python operators, namely:

    • unary operators: +, -, binary ~ and logical not

    • binary arithmetic operators: **, *, /, //, +, -

    • binary bitwise shift operators: << and >>

    • binary operators: &, ^, |

    • comparison operators: ==, !=, <=, <, >=, >

    • set/list membership operators: in, not in

    • logical operators: and, or

  • the keyword UNSET. A formula evaluating to UNSET will result in that parameter becoming unset.

  • the keyword EMPTY, evaluating to an empty string

  • built-in functions. The list of available functions is growing with every new stimela version; at time of writing the following are available:

    • IF( condition, if_true, if_false[, if_unset] ) evaluates the condition, and returns if_true or if_false depending on the outcome (which is evaluated in the Pythonic sense, i.e. a zero or an empty string is considered false). If condition is unset (i.e. is a namespace lookup where the final element is not found), returns if_unset, or throws an error if the latter is omitted.

    • IFSET( namespace_lookup[, if_set,[, if_unset]] ) checks if the namespace lookup is valid (i.e. if the final element is found). If it is valid, returns if_set if given, or the value if the lookup if not. If it is not valid, returns if_unset if given, or UNSET if omitted.

    • GLOB( pattern ) returns a list of filenames matching the given pattern.

    • MIN( arg1[, arg2[,…]] ) and MAX( arg1[, arg2[,…]] ), return the min/max of the arguments.

    • LIST( arg1[, arg2[,…]] ) returns a list composed of the arguments.

    • RANGE( N ) returns a list of integers from 0 to N-1. It also supports the RANGE(start, end) and RANGE(start, end, step) forms.

    • EXISTS( path ) returns true if the file or path exists.

    • DIRNAME( path ) returns the directory part of the path.

    • BASENAME( path ) returns the filename part of the path.

    • EXTENSION( path ) returns the filename extension.

    • STRIPEXT( path ) returns the path minus the extension.

As should be evident from the list above, certain functions expect arguments of a particular type (for example, the pathname manipulation functions expect strings).

Note that function arguments are treated as fully-fledged expressions of their own (with the exception of the first argument of IFSET(), which must be a namespace lookup by definition.) In particular, {}-substitutions are applied to string arguments. For example, the following can be a legit (and useful) invocation:


Formula evaluation errors#

From the list of functions above, it should be clear that some functions expect arguments of a specific type (e.g. the pathname manipulation functions expect a string argument), while others (e.g. IF()) are completely permissive. Bear this in mind if you’re confounded by a strange error during parameter validation. Stimela strives to give sensible and descriptive error messages, however, the formula engine is one area where the range of possible errors is so vast that the occasional opaque message will slip through.

OmegaConf interpolations#

A related, but more basic, kind of substitution is invoked via the ${} construct. This invokes the OmegaConf variable interpolation mechanism:

     x: 1
     y: ${vars.x}

Note that this kind of substition happens on a much more basic level, when the YaML itself is loaded. We don’t tend to employ it much (if at all), since the _use and _include extensions (see next section) tend to be a lot more useful.