Installing and running Stimela#

Stimela requires Python 3.7 or higher. For containerization support, you’ll also need Singularity (Apptainer) installed. You can still run stimela in “native” mode without Singularity.

If you plan to use the Slurm and Kubernetes backends, you’ll also need the Slurm scheduler and/or the Python Kubernetes client.

Installing from PyPI#

Stimela is available from PyPI, thus you can simply do (possibly, in a virtual environment):

$ pip install stimela

A companion package called cult-cargo contains standard, curated cab definitions for popular radio astronomy packages. It is technically independent of stimela, but for any practical radio work you’ll probably want to install it:

$ pip install cult-cargo

Installing from github#

Developers and bleeding-edge users may want to run stimela directly off the repository. In this case, install as follows:

# create and activate virtualenv
$ pip install poetry
$ gh repo clone caracal-pipeline/stimela
$ cd stimela
$ poetry install
$ cd ..
$ gh repo clone caracal-pipeline/cult-cargo
$ cd cult-cargo
$ poetry install

Running stimela#

The main function of stimela is to run workflows defined by recipes. Recipes come as YaML files. You can ask stimela to run a recipe as follows:

$ stimela run recipe.yml [recipe_name] [foo=x bar=y baz.qux=z]

A recipe_name is only needed if the YaML file contains more than one recipe (one can also pass the -l/--last-recipe flag to select the last recipe in the file).

Arguments such as foo=x can be used to specify recipe parameters. An alternative form is -a/--assign foo x (useful because it allows shell tab-completion on values.)

If you want to run just a single cab, use:

$ stimela run cultcargo::wsclean prefix=test size=1024 scale=1asec

This will invoke the wsclean cab from cult-cargo, passing it the listed parameters. Use run -S to invoke the Singularity backend.

Getting help#

Use stimela --help to get overall help and a list of commands. To get help on a particular command, run e.g.:

$ stimela run --help

Recipes (and things called cabs) can come with their own embedded documentation. You can access this by running:

$ stimela doc recipe.yml [anything]

…where anything can be a recipe name or a cab name (provided that cab is loaded by the recipe). To get help on a cab provided by cult-cargo without specifying a recipe, use e.g.:

$ stimela doc cultcargo::wsclean